Monday, April 1, 2013

Mini Golf Date

So I have neglected you again! I'm a terrible caregiver obviously.
But... during the time I wasn't blogging I was doing stuff to blog about. So be excited.
First things first: mini golfing!
 Ok... it may not have been a date per se
 But we were all very cutesy so it totally counts!
 It was Kelsey (American), Matt (Kiwi) and me. Having another kiwi present apparently brought out my aggressive side and I mocked everyone and threatened Matt multiple times with my club (to be fair, he totally deserved it!).
Irritatingly Matt won but I was a near second. Poor Kelsey brought up the rear.

There was a cave! We were super excited!

Oh no! A tiny waterfall!

Matt channeling his inner gull
 We did an 18 hole course, all went waaay over par and had a great time. There was also a volcano in the middle of the course (the cave went underneath it) which periodically had bursts of flame coming out. Not only could you feel the heat from these (kind of cool) but they were also reasonably loud and I jumped every single time. Yes, I am a tough-as-nails chick.

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